WHO MOVED MY CHEESE- let’s accept the change

After long, I found a river of books and couldn’t ignore to take just one dive. I found this gem buried underneath “who moved my cheese” by Dr Spencer Johnson. Mere preface made my mind race and here I am writing my thoughts when actually our cheese is moved.

As I see, we truly weren’t ready for changes in life but CORONA caught us all. We changed even if we sulked still we had to change.

Many teachers who never used a smartphone for more than just whtsapp had to manage an online class. Those government officials who loved small talks over a morning and evening office tea, had to stay home with no free tea. Those who loved travelling had to now enjoy virtual tours but still we managed.

Now after working from home for almost 2 years, we are in our cocoon and again don’t want to move our cheese and go back to office.

A mother in law is most insecured when a new bride enters the house because she is sure the new girl will move her cheese.

Why is there so much insecurity with our position? Why can’t we be like bees. “Why to bother if anyone steals my honey, I have the skills make it again”.

Sometimes we fail because we moved our cheese but it was fault of our thought process, we were too insecured to think that this change was for good, we were looking for treasure in a wrong place.

We are happy with small earnings because we don’t have to move out of our comfort zone. When we were capable of flying but we were too satisfied with walking. I understand satisfaction is a good thing but if you are suffering and still you are okay with what you have then surely you are too possessive for your cheese, you don’t want to move it.

One day this cheese will be stale so you got to move it. You have to find a better door to be out of this scary maze.

Going to move my cheese will you ?

Published by payal40

I am a soft skill trainer since 10 years. I belong to business background therefore a well trained businesswoman, with a history of owning a monopolistic travel agency back in 2002. In last 10 years, I have SOLO travelled all through North India, I have trained approximately 600 students in Soft skills and spoken English. I love reading ever since I learnt to read. I have read around 800 books in my lifetime of almost all genres, be it romance, fiction, non-fiction, classics, literary and a very few self help books and biographies. I believe Self help books are an outer motivation which is not needed for a self motivated person like me. I can proudly say that my life as a rocky mountain river has passed through all rocks all alone and courageously fighting with all odds. No regrets, no grudges. Live and Let Live.

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